Tuesday, December 30, 2008

How to Rename a SharePoint 2003 Sub Site Using SMIGRATE

There is no option to right-click and rename a site but the SMIGRATE utility makes the process quite painless.

There are a number of ways to do this, but if we want performing a full rename (making the site identical – same name, same content, etc) we will need to use the SMIGRATE tool.


On our front end web server, open a command prompt.
Type cd %systemdrive%\program files\common files\microsoft shared\web server extensions\60\bin
Perform the backup by typing Smigrate –w http://server/sites/site1 -f d:\migrationfolder\Backup.fwp –u vcn\it-got-spdbadmin –pw !m00nb00ts
To remove the original site type stsadm –o deletesite –url http://server/sites/site1
Now we are ready to restore to our new site name, type the following in the command prompt Smigrate –r –w http://server/sites/site2 -f d:\migrationfolder\Backup.fwp –u contoso\Administrator –pw P@ssw0rd1

We have now successfully restored the original site into a new site collection, with a new name

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